
September 30, 2012

Scavenger Hunt: Part 2

I know you are dying to know how we did. We started racking up points so quickly that Joe changed the total to 1250 points. Here are the pictures:

Somoene Dancing - 100 points
An object with at least four distinct colors on it. - 50 points
A limo - 50 points
A street sign without an "K", "P", "I", "L", "E" or "A". in it. - 200 points.
We were told "Ave" and "Street" wouldn't count against us, but Joe told us 4th Av was cheap.
So we found other street signs.
A garbage can that says "Thank You" on it (Not "Mahalo") - 50 points
Joe didn't count this. The paper says "thank you," not the can.
Novelty Mailbox - 100 points.
Lucky find: we pulled into this driveway to turn around when Murray spotted this gem.
Vanity Licence plate - 100 points
We found this, but I didn't get the picture, sadly. It said "TRILL"
A pepper container that says the word "Pepper" on it - 50 points
Advertisement for children's clothing - 50 points
 Want to know how we did with the guy and the duck? Stay tuned...

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