
September 29, 2011

$5 a day food challenge!

I am putting out a challenge:

Eat for a week on $5 a day. Why?

1. save money
2. eat healthier
3. eat in, not in restaurants

Eating cheaply and at home forces you to really consider the ingredients you are putting into your food so that you cut out the junk food and buy nutritious food instead.

Joe and I are going to challenge ourselves to eat on $5 a day each over the next 7 days and I'll be sharing and reviewing the recipes we use, and sharing our progress. My hope is that proving we can do this will change how we think about grocery shopping and will save us money and make us eat healthier. All at the same time.

I challenge YOU to do the challenge, too, and share your experiences in the comments here.

Good luck!


  1. Impressive! The other thing this does is motivate a good look at the money we throw away - like on a daily basis. Throwing away money can be a simple as taking the change that doesn't fit in your purse or whatever an putting it in a place you can't find when you need it. Happens to me all the time. And I imagine, is why my grandkids like to visit. Whatever they come across they get to keep!

  2. I love that idea. Let me clarify the rules. $5 for all meals for the whole day? So like if you buy a pack of chicken you divide the cost over the number of days? same with cereal, coffee, milk etc?

  3. Good luck.

    My guess is you'll be eating a lot of locally-grown produce and fresh-caught fish as supermarket prices must be high due to the shipping costs. What's the going rate for Macademia nuts and Kona coffee?

    Best, always. cdf

  4. Ok, here is how we are working the money thing: $5/day x 7 days= $35 for one week, for one person. So for two of us, we spent $70. And then don't spend anything else that week. It's much more difficult if you shop per day, especially here, where a block of cheese is $6.

    As I post recipes, I'll include the breakdown of how much that meal cost us.
