
October 2, 2012

Scavenger Hunt: Part 3

Man upside down with a duck balanced on his feet.  The duck must be wearing a hat - 1000 points

Attempt #1- Joe disqualified it because the duck doesn't look like a duck.
The was the winning shot.
Empty Soy Sauce container - 50 points

Used chop sticks - 50

Peanut butter...

Beach Ball (not on the ground) - 50 points

Frisbee - 50 points

Car with only one hubcap on one side - 100 points

Animal wearing clothing - 100 points

Sign written in Spanish or French - 100 points

Almost everything in Hawaii is written in Chinese or Japanese.
A printed scavenger hunt list that wasn't printed on our printer - 50 points

We totally killed the 1250 point total. We were hoping for total completion, but we ran out of time and it would have been expensive to park in Waikiki, though that is where burnt tourists and clothing wearing animals are sure to be seen.
Hawaii folks: what would you put on the scavenger hunt list and how many points would you award it? Leave 'em in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm... I've got nothing. Nothing nearly as good as what Joe came up with anyway. What a fun adventure!
