
February 19, 2012

A Day in my Life

As usual, it's rare that I see daylight other than arriving at the theatre, or the occasional lunch break. Usually someone INSISTS on leaving the building to eat (which is smart). As a grad student in theatre, here is a rundown of my typical day a couple of weeks ago:

6:45am- wake up (painful), shower, coffee (if I have time)

7:15am- leave for work. It take FOREVER to get anywhere in Honolulu morning rush hour. I was teaching only 12 minutes from our  house, but it takes 40 minutes or so to get there.

8am-11:30am- teach! This is the part I love.

12pm- arrive home, gear up, head to school

12:30pm- arrive on campus (closer to 1pm if I made coffee and then walked)

2pm- lunch? more coffee

Somewhere in here I fit preparing to teach my stage management workshop for the university and actually doing the research for the project I am working on this semester. Also: emails.

5pm- dinner, more coffee

6pm- post sign-in sheets for first show

7pm- more coffee!!!!

8pm- stage manage show #1. I love this part, too!

10pm- close show #1

10:15pm- run across hall to smaller theatre

11pm- stage manage show #2.

12am- close show #2

12:30am- finally finish cleaning up from show #2

2am- sleeeep

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